Plugged In...Continued
Are you really plugged in??

It's okay if you are not all together!
Philippians 3:12 I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me.
Take out a sheet of paper and write this down! Yes, you're reading it on the internet, but write it down, screenshot it, and share it.
1. Power Plant = Source = God
The power in your house, in your city or state is produced from a power plant. The power plant never shuts off. God is OUR power plant. He is the source. All power comes from HIM!

2. Telephone Pole = Cross = Jesus
Jesus is the communication portal. He died on the cross so WE could be forgiven.
He connects the power plant, to the transformer (the holy spirit), to us - the people.
3. Transformer = The Holy Spirit
All these things sit up HIGH. God says to "Call" on Him!
That's you reach him and stay plugged in.
4. Breaker Box = Load = Blessing & Burden
How much can you bear? Check your breaker box! Maybe it's time to add a few amps. The blessings and the burden come together as a package.

5. The Outlet = Access to the Word = The Bible
You can't just get plugged into anything. You must be plugged into the Word.
6. The Switch = Turning on the Light = Faith
You're plugged in, but have you turned the switch on? Is the light on? Is your FAITH on?? Flip the switch and turn on your light! When your Faith switch is off, you're moving in the dark.
Listen to the full message from 8/17/18 on